SDA Competitions
SDA 比赛
International Ballet Grand Prix Singapore
The International Ballet Grand Prix Singapore (IBGPS) aspires to be an educational platform for enthusiastic and passionate dancers, age 7-19, of all nationalities and social backgrounds to explore their potential in dance and to inspire their professional and personal growth.
新加坡国际芭蕾舞大奖赛 International Ballet Grand Prix Singapore (IBGPS)为7-19岁不同国籍,不同社会背景,充满热情和有理想的年轻舞者们搭建的一个具有影响力的国际舞蹈艺术教育平台,为有才华的舞者能够进一步接受专业培训及发展事业搭建桥梁,让他们在这个舞台上一展所长。并激发他们的潜能,在相互交流中共同进步。
Youth Arts Festival
青年艺术节 -
Youth Arts Festival (YAF) advocates the philosophy of “participation and enjoyment of dance for everyone”. YAF aims to provide a platform for passionate dancers to showcase their art form, and at the same time to promote exchanges and interaction between schools and teachers around the world.
青年艺术节 (YAF) 倡导“人人参与,享受舞蹈”的理念。旨在为热爱舞蹈的选手提供一个挥洒激情,展示自我的舞台,同时促进学校,老师之间的交流合作,呈现教学特色。